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 PERSONAL MESSAGE: Dear Friends & Fans of my Artistry & Personal Health, Please take time to hear my Heart & Soul and let me say...

LinkedIn - Award Winning Article

Bestselling Cozy Murder Mystery

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Audible Award-Winning #audiobook

 FIVE STAR Review on Audible Award-Winning #audiobook ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 

'Yep! A lot of it rings true!'
"I listen to Florida Retirement Is Murder while on vacation...shared a lot of great laughs, and could not stop listening."


Mystery, Drama, and a Touch of Humor

Florida Retirement is Murder is a fun little cozy mystery that will keep you guessing until the end. The story offers humor, drama, and mystery that will wet your appetite for more. The narration is well done, and the characters are well developed.

Get Your #Audiobook Today at #Audible ➡️

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