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 PERSONAL MESSAGE: Dear Friends & Fans of my Artistry & Personal Health, Please take time to hear my Heart & Soul and let me say...

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Showing posts with label tv show. Show all posts

Sunday, October 9, 2022

New Book Pre-Release - ARC’ Galley Reader Reviews

 ARC’ Galley Reader Reviews

“I can’t say this about many books I read but I couldn’t put it down”

“Great Book!!! Loved the characters who all feel like family!! The ending was a shocker!!!”

“I could visualize it and the characters!!!! I want them as my friends!!! This is how I can connect with good reads when I feel it!! I swear this would make a great weekly show.”

“I loved the character development, I loved the humor of the people.  I loved the suspense and I especially loved the ending! I can just imagine crazy old golf cart drivers! 

Oh, and WAKE UP, EARL!”

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