Personal Message

 PERSONAL MESSAGE: Dear Friends & Fans of my Artistry & Personal Health, Please take time to hear my Heart & Soul and let me say...

LinkedIn - Award Winning Article

Bestselling Cozy Murder Mystery

Showing posts with label cozy mystery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cozy mystery. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Florida Retirement Is KraZy

Florida Retirement Is KraZy

Pre Order Your Copy Now

Stay Tuned, #NewRelease  New Year's End 2024 with updates to follow and insights to the continued series antics of "Hilarious Characters" in a #Florida Gated Retirement Community of #KraZy Snowbirds 

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Fun and Unexpected Audiobook

#FiveStar #AudioBook Review


"I had to read his book! I enjoyed it immensely"

Check Out this Audible #Review from a Listener met in an #Airport

#audible #bookreview #Amazon #funnybook #floridaretirementismurder #hilariouscast #LaughOutLoudComedy #audiobooks #narrator #voiceactor #masterpiece #recording #audio #kriscourtney Audible

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