Personal Message

 PERSONAL MESSAGE: Dear Friends & Fans of my Artistry & Personal Health, Please take time to hear my Heart & Soul and let me say...

LinkedIn - Award Winning Article

Bestselling Cozy Murder Mystery

Showing posts with label tugboat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tugboat. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Author Appearance - Paducah Kentucky


American Artist & Author Kris Courtney will be in Paducah Kentucky on Saturday May 13th, 2023 at the Holiday Inn, Riverfront for an Exclusive Book signing for his New Release;


Snowbirds do more than just Flock

This Fictional Satire Murder Mystery has captured the attention of readers across the globe and is a 'Break-Out' bestseller on Amazon, Barnes&Noble and Audible.
As a previous resident and participating Artist in the 'Lowertown Arts District' in Paducah, Courtney has travelled the US since 2013 and is excited to return to a place of comfort and incredible friendships!
LIMIT QUANTITY of Books will be available for purchase at the event for $25 each. Attendees are encouraged to purchase your copy ahead of time for the purpose of saving time & money. Hardcover & Paperbacks are available online or can be ordered directly from your local bookstore.
Come join, visit and get your autographed copy - See you Then!!
Holiday Inn - Riverfront
Saturday May 13th, 2023
2pm - 4pm
"River room"

FaceBook Page: Artist & Author