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Bestselling Cozy Murder Mystery

Showing posts with label murder mystery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label murder mystery. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Audiobook Review "A Masterpiece of Voice Acting"


Review by Rox Burkey


The Home Owners Association president dies under questionable circumstances as the story begins. Kris Courtney places the listener inside a gated Central Florida-established retirement community. The resident characters get portrayed as individuals with specific outrageous habits. These people behave like unchaperoned children at a never-ending Sadie Hawkins dance with a spiked punch.

Stewart Johnson relocates to the community with help from his daughter, the lawyer. He feels more included days after moving in than in his home years after his wife died. His new neighbors make him feel right at home. He gets caught up in investigating a neighbor’s death, finding roadblocks from the community services team at every turn. Something stinks, and it’s not the fish from the pelican’s mouth.

The antics of these silver-haired, opinionated relics will keep listeners, and readers, laughing aloud, hoping they can have this much fun in retirement. These are the ultimate unfiltered comments from those who know better but don’t care. You’ll pray your inner child will enjoy this much freedom while getting into this much trouble.

The author, Kris Courtney creates a fun, light cozy mystery with well-developed characters. The story will most likely elicit at least a chuckle if not a full-on belly laugh at the fun.   He creates a story around people and issues that we can all relate to one way or another – memories, experiences, etc. This is definitely a fun and light read.

The narration by Mari Oyaizu Carson masterfully kept the voices perfect for all the characters. The story’s pace added to the excitement and tension of this satirical murder mystery. A masterpiece of voice acting that makes listening easy and impossible to pause.

I highly recommend this cozy mystery in the audiobook format. You’ll be sipping the fruity chick drinks and toasting to new friends in no time. 

Florida Retirement Is Murder 

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Author Appearance - Paducah Kentucky


American Artist & Author Kris Courtney will be in Paducah Kentucky on Saturday May 13th, 2023 at the Holiday Inn, Riverfront for an Exclusive Book signing for his New Release;


Snowbirds do more than just Flock

This Fictional Satire Murder Mystery has captured the attention of readers across the globe and is a 'Break-Out' bestseller on Amazon, Barnes&Noble and Audible.
As a previous resident and participating Artist in the 'Lowertown Arts District' in Paducah, Courtney has travelled the US since 2013 and is excited to return to a place of comfort and incredible friendships!
LIMIT QUANTITY of Books will be available for purchase at the event for $25 each. Attendees are encouraged to purchase your copy ahead of time for the purpose of saving time & money. Hardcover & Paperbacks are available online or can be ordered directly from your local bookstore.
Come join, visit and get your autographed copy - See you Then!!
Holiday Inn - Riverfront
Saturday May 13th, 2023
2pm - 4pm
"River room"

Saturday, February 4, 2023

Sleuth Adventure of Mischievous Characters

 Florida Retirement Is Murder

"Stewart finds himself among an All-Star Cast of Characters and Decidedly Un-Serious People on an Engaging Sleuth Adventure.  This Cozy Murder Mystery will have you Laughing Out-Loud!"

Get Your Copy Today!

Barnes & Noble (Paperback, Hardcover)

Amazon (Kindle, Paperback, Hardcover & Audiobook)

FaceBook Page: Artist & Author