Personal Message

 PERSONAL MESSAGE: Dear Friends & Fans of my Artistry & Personal Health, Please take time to hear my Heart & Soul and let me say...

LinkedIn - Award Winning Article

Bestselling Cozy Murder Mystery

Showing posts with label reviewbomb. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reviewbomb. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Personal Message


Dear Friends & Fans of my Artistry & Personal Health,

Please take time to hear my Heart & Soul and let me say Thank You.

Many of you have reached out already and I cannot tell you how humbled that feels in my Soul, Blessings & Gratitude!!  I am having my Eye Surgery on Thursday July 18th and I would be less than honest to say that I am anxious about all of it…  The previous experience I suffered in May has recovered at approximately 90% +/- and the concerns tied to losing vision then appear to be under management yet still present. Healing Prayers for all of this Health and Fear is appreciated.

Unfortunately as some who are Fans of my Creative Efforts, Fine Art and Publications I have some updates to share that are both beyond my control and choice. I share all this simply to let you know (if you care) that I have reached another turning point of life and this one did not arrive comfortable or welcomed.

As you may have already seen on my website (Yellow Button – PDF) I have become now another casualty of Public BOOK BANNING and Censorship as a result of AMAZON & GOOGLE removing and throttling my Award-Winning and Bestselling “Paperback” FLORIDA RETIREMENT IS MURDER as of July 18th, 2024.  This action appears to be directly connected to a Failed Ranking and Competitive platform that has allowed the “Goliath’s” of the Publishing and Social Media industry to control, manipulate and feed the propaganda in the USA.  As the FTC(Federal Trade Commission) continues to pursue legal action against these entities, the damage continues and is done with vengeance!  

The attacks on our product began on April 15th, 2024 and we were attacked on Amazon with a strategic “REVIEW BOMB” that used wording and content that was AI (Artificial Ignorance) to drop our Ranking from the crest of 4.6 all the way down to 4.2 overnight. The platform of Goodreads (Owned by Amazon) also continued to push our content down with every 5star review that were beginning to appear 2-4 a week. (Ratio for reviews is est. 1/200 per) The wording on this specific review allowed the AI of Algorithms to highlight “poor writing” and that 1star FAKE Account review remains online at the time of this letter…

On June 16th, 2024 our product was gaining tremendous attention and sales despite the previous issues – we had broken the glass ceiling!! This wave of attention can be contributed to a ‘Super Fan’ who found our product and gave us a Huge Complimentary 5Star Review and needless to say, we were humbled.

The next 48 hours, this product was ranking in the TOP 10 in Canada, TOP 25 in the US and Global Sales were quickly rising as well. In conjunction the website was being seen at a very high level. On June 18th, 2024 in the afternoon the book was ramping up on a huge promotion through Facebook, Ingram Books and Barnes & Noble as well as Amazon. At midnight Amazon Pulled & Banned the Paperback in the United States from ALL DISTRIBUTION. Simultaneously GOOGLE throttled our website account and sent us an email that referenced “Your Traffic is above average prediction and has been limited”.

God Have MERCY on their Souls… 

Since this time of what will be a full month on the date of my surgery, my supplemented income to Social Security, Sales and Promotions have all come to a conclusion and stopped. The product has taken a full 70% ++ cut and SLAM from becoming just another one of the 4,000 ++ Books in the United States BANNED!

(FYI: In 2023 approx. 4,200 Books were Censored, 2024 is already up to 4k)

To put this in perspective at a personal level, commission on a Paperback book sale in the US yields an est. $2.15 each. Amazon and Distribution takes the other $10+ per book.  Ingram books commission is around $1.35 and B&N $1.15.  My records are public and last year I lost $28,000 and only made $1,800 on the book commissions. Up to the point of Amazon’s aggressive and violation of Fair Trade, the book had generated $1,300. We were on track to double our revenues.

Personally, I am now going to be forced into a Financial Re-Org and take legal action to protect the limited results and resign. 

As a note, I have had two careers in my life as a Self Employed and each being approximately 20+ years. The first being in Manufacturing and was successful to provide income and more money than a person should have had in the 1990’s. I had built a house of cards and through a series of both unavoidable and self-imposed events, that career came to an abrupt ending that allowed God’s Grace to give me a Blessing. I began my Artistry and for the first time in my life, felt complete… The success and experiences that began gave witness to the calling and purpose of my life. I had a life of travel and risk that paid handsomely in ways money cannot touch…

I am repeating myself to some, but the entire path of my journey was to obtain a Feature Film production that was only complimented by the Screenplay Awards achieved in that project. 2020 completely collapsed, erased and deflated the previous 20 years of my life work into nothing but memories and trophies… This event now on what supposed to be a valid effort to recover a life of Creativity, Fine Arts and filling the voids left in an Artist Spirit has taken me back to the same energy of February 2020, it wasn’t good enough – again…

I am going to be absent from Social Media soon and perhaps write in the background if my eye-sight returns healthy!? I am humbled and grateful for the Blessings in my life but I am also alone, very alone… I turn 65 September 1st and never thought that forces to be would attack my efforts as hard as I have been hit with actions by organizations of both evil and greed.

Finally, if you are a person who is genuinely caring for my welfare and have read this letter, please know that my intention is to survive and live as safe and healthy as humanly possible. I have to remain in warm climate at some level and as of this time fully intend on remaining in Central Florida. After making multiple attempts and inquires in the region, a Studio & Gallery has not developed as of yet. I want to paint again; I pray that my God given talent and eyes will remain… 

If you have ever worked for yourself (without a paycheck, a backup or a partner) then you understand. If you have empathy and genuine concern that reflects God’s Grace, Strength and Healing Power of Prayer, please consider my name in your thoughts... If only Good Vibes, Thank you! This letter is not for sympathy but clarity !!

Sometimes life becomes a trudging effort to move down the road…



Monday, September 25, 2023

Goodreads (Amazon) #ReviewBOMB Corruption


Goodreads (An Amazon Company)

Account Status & Review

Now that I have your attention, This Review and Account Review is for the Status of my Author Account on Goodreads (An Amazon Company) and the lack of Quality Control, Integrity and Management of Asset protection for the position of a Contributing Author.  This is not a direct reflection of Amazon Retail or any other purpose to relay current FACT Based Information to the attempt of Quality Control, Customer Service and Product Integrity. 


I am a Disabled Gentleman with Multiple Amputations, Birth Defects and Deformities and am a Survivor.  This only mentioned for clarity to define my understanding of what a prejudice, racial or discrimination reaction and comment is actually used for and how “Ghosting Troll” review attacks and hatefulness is not a new trait or experience.  I have grown up with people who are cowardly and lacking accountability to treat others with honesty or truth to a humane means of being polite or mature.


As the Author of ‘FLORIDA RETIREMENT IS MURDER’ which was released on New Year’s Eve and Audio distribution on January 11th, 2023, I am very thrilled at the quality response on All Other Platforms that include Barnes & Noble, Amazon and Multiple Book Clubs, Stores and Distribution.  With a Combined Review Ranking of 4.3/5.0 and the Audio book topping 4.5++ through Audible, I am very proud of my Teams effort and release!!  This reflects the Truth and Factual Quality of the publication.


As this article and review will describe, Goodreads if known for False and Fake “Review Bombs” that has plagued the wide spread Corruption of the Publishing Industry.  This exists at multiple levels that include Agency Representatives and those who are both publically paid and secretively endorsed for violation of Trade Secret Law and Ethical Assaults upon the competition of those whom are guided in life by greed and misuse of online platforms.


At first, I thought perhaps it was just an unusual circumstance that the “Empty Account” Review BOMBS of 1 and 2 stars to pull down the High Ranking value of my release were simply a onetime occurrence?!  However, after the next 5-7 have appeared in only a matter a couple weeks, it is clear the Goodreads platform is both corrupt and unaccountable for the Quality of platform and that of protecting the Value Assets of Amazon Profitable Products.


It was I began to research this condition that I discovered this is now considered a Failed Platform; Known to be a cloaking and trolling means for publishing and other manipulative publishers to violate Trade Laws and “Review Bomb” the competition that is either equal to or outperforming a slate of less than guilty products that are using paid for review services to manipulate a false bottom and in return used to push down the other fella… Just like a school yard bully…


According to the State of Ohio, New Jersey, New York and many more BBB registration complaints that include those listed on Trustpilot, Google and multiple sites including Attorney General Offices in many regional locations, I am not the only one!  In fact, the entire Goodreads Platform is failing at a Moral Level at the very least to say no accountability!


I have now sent 4 various emails and messages to obtain correction from these “Empty Profiles” or Zero Review accounts that are created in the last 2 days or 3 months, etc… In each circumstance I am met with a “Form Letter” response, failed customer service efforts and total ignorance to the value or asset protection of a Loyal Customer and Goodreads Author that according to the form letter response, I am suppose to be a valued part of the platform…


I have to file reports on many – MANY “Librarian Edits” that have been attacking my various publications with False Edits, Failed Reporting and ALL With NO Approval or QC in place!  SO obviously, any Crook or Fool can drop these type of altering data without restriction.  Kind of like the Loud Mouth Bully that use to call me a Freak in the school yard because I had casts on my legs…


To date now, my book “FLORIDA RETIREMENT IS MURDER” continues to climb the charts, Ranking High to REAL PEOPLE and perform well on all Retail Media and Exchanges.  Albeit that Amazon is tied to Goodreads, so far that platform and Audible are acting with Responsible Justice and Quality Control for Verified Accounts!  In doing so, this product serves the public well for the Comedy and excellently produced Literature that it is meant to provide.


Recently, I was invited to participate in the National Literacy Program for the Florida State College.  Shame on Goodreads Trolls for not having the integrity to even be a part of that celebration and understand the value of good products, not cartoons… 


I am a Blessed Gentleman with restrictions that understands what a coward or someone who hides their face, a liar, a greedy fool, a fake AI platform generated for the purpose of selfish gain over another.  As any person with a disability can tell you, these levels of hate, racism and purposeful discrimination are not even entertained as value content.  It simply shows how ugly a human can be – Is that You!?!  Are you the coward that attacked a disabled author and got your illegal violation of Trade Law 20 bucks for a #ReviewBOMB ?  Are you that teenager or basement troll who gets your sick and twisted thrills out of hurting people or attempting to keep people from being successful ?  Why, because you never have tried or you do not have the education, moral integrity, you’re a mentally ill person, or even worse yet, you call yourself a professional Goodreads book reviewer ?  Either way – Congrats , you are attacking a book for the single reason of perverse soul sickness and cheap thrills… Ain’t nothing, you’re just another lost soul.  I have seen this my entire life, people Fear what they do not understand or are not capable of themselves…


As the date and time of this writing, the form email below is the only communication I have gain from my attempt to resolve this widely known destructive violation of Trade Law attacks on Good , High Quality Author products who have willingly attempted to use the Goodreads platform for a quality purpose.  This is now obviously not even remotely available. Nor is the platform being Managed or Quality Control for Security and Integrity of Accounts or Identity.  It is a Failed and Empty Website that only appears to serve is a Tweenager and YA Publisher Money Funnel for Corrupt Business Practices.  Perhaps this explains why Executives of the Publishing Industry are going to jail randomly, who knows anymore…  What I do know for a #FACT – This effort to adjust the rankings and remove the cowardly posts, fake accounts and random #ReviewBOMB listings is an Honest effort by an Honest Gentleman who has had to fight my whole life against ugly people like this… Thank you God I am not as dirty and covered in fool’s gold and selling my soul to the devil like these folks are!!  I especially like the children who have supposedly read the book in 10 minutes and rated it a one with Zero reviews, no followings and clearly – no friends – funny how close to truth that may actually be…


If you are an Honest person with Integrity, perhaps an Author that is experiencing the same thing, or a Fan of mine – Bless You and Thank you for reading this and help me share this fact that Goodreads is a corrupt and collection of deception.


If you are a Goodreads Admin (Not a Fake or Cheap Liar who calls themselves a “Librarian”) and you have enough integrity to admit, accept and CORRECT the Errors, Delete Fake Accounts, Guide this platform towards a Quality Service, please do… Share with the Amazon Authorities, I will ….


In closing, the reference material below is factual, the website and listings are current, and the information and the book itself are considered good by my Fans & Real Readers & Patrons.  I hope you get a chance to enjoy the story. 




The Atlantic:







Original Email Transcript & Response from Goodreads:

Hi Kris,


Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We are reviewing the content you reported and will take appropriate action.


Thank you for being a Goodreads member.



The Goodreads Team


source: contact form
from email:
summary: Review BOMB Ranking SPAM

As a Successful Author, Loyal Goodreads & Amazon Customer in both solicitation and marketing, I am VERY disappointed in the Goodreads Giveaway, Monitoring of "Librarian Changes" and all management of protecting an Author's Brand and Product "FLORIDA RETIREMENT IS MURDER" . I have had to literally 'Chase down Fake/Spam ratings and empty False Information that appears to be randomly altered by anyone ? These alterations are not only false information, but impact the Ranking Stats on the Global level of Amazon and are critical to the product reputation!

In the most recent Giveaway (and perhaps the last time I ever spend money for this poorly managed service) the selection of people who received the Kindle Free Copy appear to be either children, tweenies or YA accounts that have NO Value, nor are they even accurately reviewed or have read the content!! When I purchased this service previously, it appeared there was some form of product control and administration involved in the quality control of the Goodreads product ?! That appears to not be the case...

I have also reported FAKE/SPAM user accounts and attempted Hacking on my Book Ranks through other "Librarian Edits" and these appear to have been either completely ignored or there truly is no personnel on duty to keep security in place for assets that make money on Amazon and work for best interest of the organization itself ?!

Is Goodreads Capable of ACCURATE accounting of Fake Profiles, Review BOMBS and the attack of what can only be described as foolish actions of hateful ratings for what clearly is a 4.2 ++ Rated Cozy Satire Fiction Novel for Adult Comedy Readers, Not Teenagers !!! The Audio Book alone is rated at 4.5 ++

The Goodreads is NOT ACCURATE or at this rate even Honestly holding any Integrity to the Publication Industry as per this example.

Whomever is reading this, I pray that there is a Mature, Common Sense response that holds value to Moral Responsibility and Honesty. Please DELETE the Fake 1 and 2 star Empty Profile Review/Rating Bombs. Please restore faith in this platform that is obviously failing the industry as by what is clearly being spoken by others in my research to discover why this is an issue across the globe and Amazon platform.

I look forward to a Genuine Professional response please,

Kris Courtney




FaceBook Page: Artist & Author